國中組: 英文成績名列該校同年級前三名。
1. 1、申請表一份,須加蓋校印(國高中組可以教務處戳章代替)。國中組申請表、高中職組申請表、大專組申請表、研究所組申請表
2. 戶口名簿影印本一份,殘障生另附殘障手冊影印本,清寒生另附區公所清寒證明。
3. 學生證影印本一份 (或在學證明書一份)。
4. 九十五學年度第二學期成績單影印本。
5. 英文自傳。
6. 老師英文推薦函。
7. 最近二吋相片一張 (請黏貼於申請表內)。
8. 國中組與高中職組請附英文成績為同年級前三名之證明文件。
9. 研究所組請附最近相關研究報告影印本一份。
10. 將上列文件依序釘妥後,於信封註明組別(未註明組別者、證件不齊者不予受理),寄
「彭蒙惠教育獎學金」管理委員會 收
Application Documents (documents will not be returned, so please make copies for yourself)
1. Application form. Report card must be stamped with the school's chop. Junior and high school applicants can use the chop from the Dean's Office.
Application form can be downloaded here: Junior High School Group, Senior High School Group, College Group, Graduate School Group
2. One (1) photocopy of applicant's household registration booklet. Handicapped students can include a photocopy of their handicap identification booklet. Low-income household students can include an official recognition of low-income status from their District Office.
3. One (1) photocopy of applicant's student identification card (or a document certifying applicant's status as a student at the school)
4. One (1) photocopy of the R.O.C. 95 school year second semester report card. Report card must be stamped with the school's chop.
5. Autobiography written in English. Maximum 600 words.
6. Teacher's recommendation letter written in English.
7. One (1) recent ID-sized photograph of applicant.
8. Junior high school, high school or vocational school students must supply a document certifying that their English score is ranked in the top three of their grade.
9. Graduate students must include a copy of a recent paper (in English) that they have written as part of their studies.
10. Arrange all of the documents above in order and staple them together. Afterwards, note on the envelope which group the applicant belongs to (Junior High School, High School, College, or Graduate School). Application packets that are incomplete or whose envelopes do not have the group designation clearly written will not be judged. Send the packet to the following address:
Dr. Doris Brougham Scholarship Management Committee
No. 10, Lane 62, Dazhi Street
Taipei, 10462
11. Note: Documents will not be returned, so please make copies for yourself.